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Less Is More

Jessica Wagner

Basics with a Twist

Because sometimes all it takes is a swipe of classic red lipstick (and a crushed pumpkin spice latte.)

Autumn brings so many styling opportunities. From drapey dresses and snuggly sweaters to structured jackets and statement boots.

While there are an endless number of ways to create an amazing outfit this fall, here is a simple one to inspire you.

Go fresh-faced, and accent with statement lip. (My current favorite is Chanel Rouge Coco in Arthur, but really any bright shade will do the trick.) Keep it easy and effortless. Slip into stripes and add your favorite weekend jeans.

I’m always on the hunt for minimal pieces with that extra something. Basic, yet elevated.

These high waist jeans are a perfect example, classic with a twist in the raw edge ankle and multi-button closure. (Plus my coffee-guzzling partner in crime here, keeping it simple in her black and white checks, and black boots.)

While I have a closet full of striped tops (don’t we all?) this particular one is unexpected in it's structure and crop (and it's less than $20!) The sheen makes the black against white pop – it’s about playing with contrasts. (The clean backdrop makes those red lips stand out in the best way!)

Add is some minimal flats (with that Zara edge) and a simple leather bag and your golden, girl! 

Sophisticated and relaxed, for a weekend of fun or on the run.

Outfit Details:
Top: Forever 21 Contemporary Boxy Sheen Stripe Jeans: VIP Shoes: Zara (also love these and these) Bag: Forever 21 Watch: Michael Kors Bracelets: Arm Candy Lips: Chanel Rouge Coco Arthur Drink: Rustbelt Coffee Crushed Pumpkin Spiced Latte

Coco's Outfit Details:
Dress: H&M (old) Socks: Target Toddler Fawn and Raccoon Knee Highs Boots: Toddler Chain-Link Sole Chore Rain Boot Bunny: Rustbelt Coffee