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Shipping / Returns / Conditions


All packages ship out between 1-5 business days of purchase. Shipping is a flat rate of $5. All domestic orders are shipped through USPS Priority Mail. The Weekender Vintage is not responsible for items being lost in shipment, nor when items are delivered via tracking but item is not found by recipient. Once an item has been shipped, it is in the hands of USPS and all following action will need to be taken with USPS. If for any reason a package is returned to The Weekender Vintage (incorrect address/unclaimed/etc) the shipping fee will have to be paid again in order to get the package sent out again. International shipping available upon request.

returN policy

All items are FINAL SALE. Every item is rare and thoughtfully selected. Measurements, quality, material, and photos are all listed in descriptions of every item to ensure the item is being represented fully. Please consider most vintage items may have slight imperfections due to age and previous wear, this does not always depreciate their value.

Kindly know your 100% satisfaction is the goal.


All The Weekender Vintage postcards that ship with all purchases feature original rose logo watercolor artwork from independent artist America Ligman.

Artist: America Ligman
(IG: @americalinnligman)