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Vintage Love Stories

Vintage love stories

It all started when…

How did your love of vintage start? What antiques do you collect? Where did you first fall in love with a piece of history? What’s your vintage love story?

For me, it’s always been a bit of a fantasy or fairytale to wear garments that speak to my soul. More than just clothing, vintage is a story. It’s art. It’s human expression. It surpasses time. It speaks without words.

Once in awhile I will meet someone on my vintage journeys and hear about their adventures in antiquing. Chronicles of legends and amazing finds.

I recently received the most beautiful story in an email from a lovely customer about a vintage nightgown she had been searching for for a number of years and stumbled upon on my website. Her tale brought tears to my eyes and reminded me of why I love what I do. Vintage clothing is wondrous but it’s heart lies in YOU. Here is her story… it came at a time I wasn't sure if this was the right path for me, and reassured me that all the reasons I love selling vintage - the romance, the love, the sustainability, the magic, that FEELING, ahh yes - vintage love is alive and well.

“Hello Jess,

First of all I want to say how lovely the packaging was when I opened my nightgown. Addressing the label to me as the FABULOUS Virginia was just the kick!! And to open it and see a wax rose seal...Oh my goodness....just like the love letters I used to send back to my sweetheart in the 70's. Anyway...I wanted to drop you a note to say how lovely the packing was, how excited I was to find this OLGA nightgown and to share a little story behind what it means to me. So here goes....

I am a 67 year old woman. I met the love of my life when I was merely 17 years old, his name was ...get ready....Glenn Wagner! Anyway, he was a tad bit older than me, 25. The very first Christmas we were together he bought me this very Olga Nightgown. Now you can imagine my parents surprise when I was to open this VERY SEXY for the day Nightgown, from my boyfriend who was 25 and I was only 17!! I LOVED wearing it and felt sexy and beautiful and just a tad bit decadent. Glenn and I were to go on in life and get married. He was the one who first taught my heart what love was. Those days were oh so special to me. We were only married 11 months, when he was a tragically killed by a drunk driver, and I was widowed at a young age of 22, pregnant and alone. My life went on, I got married again and divorced and then remarried to my present husband who as fate would have it, was a friend of mine and Glenn's WAY back when we were young. He even came to our wedding back in 1976. present husband and I are very much in love and happily married for 22 years, For YEARS I have searched for this particular nightgown.....them memories of it warm my heart and make me feel young and beautiful again, About 12 years ago I found one in pink..and bought it for our 10th anniversary. I still have it and wear it and love it. I have never been able to locate the blue one that was my very first peignoir. I have found a yellow one that was $198, but I couldn't bring myself to buy it. Just last week I stumbled across your website and just HAD to have my blue nightgown once again. It is 50 years since I have worn my Olga but tonight I will be feeling young sexy and will smile with a part of Glenn in my heart. Thank you for appreciating the vintage clothing of days gone by and I just wanted to share how special this Olga is to me. Isn't it just so beautiful. I am just thrilled to have it once again.

You are a beautiful young woman. God bless you and your family and thank you again. So happy I stumbled upon you.
Happiness to you and yours.....Virginia ”

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