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Filtering by Tag: Zara

Nautical Jumper You're The One...

Jessica Wagner

Striped Jumpsuit + Rubber Ducky

The world' s largest {and cutest} "mama duck" was on display this weekend in Sandusky, OH for their bicentennial Festival of Sales. She sits 61 feet tall (6 stories!) and brought smiles to every face... needless to say, I found the world's largest rubber ducky charmingly amusing.

What to wear when meeting the inventor of the #duckface? I found this nautical ASOS jumpsuit online, and ordered it in a petite. I usually stick to regular sizes, but was worried about the ruffles at the hem hitting the wrong place. (I'm 5'3.) It was a perfect fit! Between the blue and white stripes, suspender style straps, and flared ankle I was sold.

Paired with my favorite J Crew yellow bow flats {a rubber material} and a bamboo basket bag, I was ready for the open seas! If you know our family, you know, it's a pirates life for me!!

Outfit Details:
Jumpsuit: ASOS Petite Stripe Pinny Jumpsuit With Frill Hem (similar here) Bag: Cult Gaia ARK Sunglasses: Zara Shoes: JCREW