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Filtering by Tag: Cocktails

Autumn Rosé Sangria

Jessica Wagner


The Weekender’s Culinary Creations: A Fall Cocktail

Cozy up with this tasty fall sangria!

Rosé All Day and I teamed up to bring you a delightful autumn drink full of fresh fruit, notes of cinnamon, sparkling mineral water and OF COURSE Rosé All Day!

Follow along to see how I stumbled upon this magical recipe.

Autumn Rosé Sangria:

1 Bottle Rosé All Day
2 1/2 Cups Apple Cider
3/4 Cup Armagnac / La Grande Josiane Orange Liqueur
1 Cup Sparkling Mineral Water
4 Apples, Sliced
1 Lime
1 Lemon
3 Cinnamon Sticks


What’s your favorite fall drink? Share in the comments below!