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Jessica Wagner

discovering and identifying personal style

Happy weekend guys! Welcome to The Weekender - A Fashion Field Guide.

Typically, a field guide is designed to identify wildlife birds/flowers or other aspects in nature through photographs and drawings, and organized by color, shape, location or other descriptors.

The Weekender is about discovering and identifying personal style. My “field” exists between Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This is where I find myself most style-conscious. Organizing an outfit by color, shape, and location. (Just like a field guide – but for fashion.)

I’m a creature of fashion. I believe the more glamorously strange the better. Personal style is an evolution and here you will find a place to explore with endless options of self-expression.

Taking an outfit that “sort of works” to “polished loveliness” is a challenge. Think of the times you felt most polished and lovely. It takes effort (amiright?) It takes thought. It takes feeling. Usually it's the finishing touches that complete a look.

If you love vintage, romantic, bohemian, mixed with a classic touch of the Audrey Hepburn - this is your place for inspiration. Darling and daring.

Through photography, (and hopefully some artful brilliance!) I wish to leave you feeling that you too can master your style, and show you how. Fashion is about taking risks and sometimes making mistakes. We’ve all looked back on those photos with a smirk, and hey, that’s ok! That’s part of the adventure.

 Fashion is always evolving, and in a sense, finding your style is a journey all of it’s own. 

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy!

Outfit Details:
Blush Trench Coat: Zara (old, similar here) White Bow Button Down Top: Gap (old) Black Scalloped Skater Skirt: Francesca's Collections Shoes: Top Shop Giselle Multi Buckle Courts  Leather Fringe Clutch: (vintage, similar here) Sunglasses: Karen Walker Super Duper Strength Lipstick: Chanel Rouge Coco Mademoiselle