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Filtering by Tag: Two Piece Set

Ready, Set...

Jessica Wagner

Floral Two-Piece Set

I always find it interesting that the hottest days of summer coincide with the end of season. While some may be gearing up for sweater weather, I'm not ready to give up the unhurried isle lifestyle.

I've been soaking in long lazy days at the shore, enjoying wearing next to little in the ways of featherweight fabric. I found this gauzy floral set a few weeks ago on a weekend trip to Ann Arbor, exploring their quaint boutiques and side street cafés. My favorite kind of adventuring. ;)

Can't you imagine wearing this on a beach somewhere in the jungle or on a Hawaiian shore? That's our dream lately! I'd take an aloha vacation in a heartbeat or up that to a more permanent residence! I get depressive at the thought of shorter days and looming skies.

When I was younger we did a Hawaiian cruise as a family, and I imagine this would be the perfect outfit for attending a Luau set against a black sand beach. Instead, I settled for this little abandoned haven on the side of the road. 

Surrounded by colorful bursts of overgrown flowers, the forgotten felt somehow enchanting in a deserted and poetic kind of way. Free from restraint. Wild. Outcast. And yet, somehow absolutely perfect in it's own forsaken affairs. The intrigue only lasted until I heard a branch snap behind me and scuttled across the clearing into Rob's arms.

I did manage to wear this during our weekend trip to Put-In-Bay, which is an island, just not on the same size scale. If you are like me and want to ride out these last sultry days of summer, this is the way to do it, free as bird.

Outfit Details:
Top & Bottom Set: Pitaya Sunglasses: Zara (Old) Bag: Cult Gaia Ark Shoes: Chanel via Luxury Garage Sale Necklace: Anthropologie