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Filtering by Tag: Skincare

Review: HOME DNA Skincare Report

Jessica Wagner

Beauty + Science = Skincare Made Easy

When Home DNA Skincare Analysis + Report reached out to me, promising to make skincare easy, they immediately had my attention. 

Long have I battled monthly breakouts and an overwhelmed feeling at trying new skincare products. Most of the time, I’m down to try to whatever a magazine, blogger, or beauty store sales clerk, would recommend - only to be let down. I know I am prone to oily/combination skin and I wear my sunscreen like a saint, but that’s about as far as my personal skincare knowledge goes! 

My Current Skincare Routine

As for a daily routine? I use a simple cleanser, toner and moisturizer. I aim to wash my face twice a day (which doesn’t always happen.) Lately, I have been using a more expensive nighttime retinol oil which I love. I tend to switch up products when one runs one. (Ok, all the time, for the good or bad of it! I'll call it like it is: I am a skincare/beauty junkie.)

Which really tells me I am not confident in my current skincare choices. I would love to regularly see a dermatologist, but it’s just not in the budget. Home DNA Skincare is another option to better skin health, through scientific results.

Beauty starts with healthy skin

I’ve been searching for that golden combo. (You too?!) While I love trying new beauty items, tools, or even procedures, (Birch Box is one monthly beauty subscription I use to try new products!) I really don’t give too much thought to my skincare, except lately, realizing as I am getting older, my skin just may require a little more TLC.

There are so many skincare options out there, but as I am looking at skincare differently now, being in my early 30s I can no long can rely on the fountain of youthful skin.

The secret to great skin?

It’s in your own DNA!

My at-home skincare DNA kit results are in, and I am so happy I now understand more about what my skin is trying to tell me. This is such a sweet marriage of beauty and science!

Some of you might remember a few weeks ago when I talked about receiving a DNA test kit, and how easy it was to use.

Today I am going to be sharing my personal skin analysis report with you, and exploring how anyone can use skin DNA results to get the most out of their skincare.

Where can you purchase a HOME DNA kit?

The HOME DNA kit for skin care testing is sold at CVS, as well as The kit only requires a few swabs on the inside of your cheek to unlock the key to your own results and youthful, beautiful, healthy skin!

How does the Skin Care Analysis + Report work?

I must admit, I was a little skeptical at first. How will DNA testing help me with my skin? I was worried it was some sort of trick to get me to buy a specific skincare line. NO! In fact, all you need to do is purchase a kit, swab your cheek, and mail in your sample envelop to the lab for testing. In 2-3 weeks you will have a full skin analysis report online and at your fingertips! I was totally blown away with what my unique genetic make-up was able to reveal. It’s really a personalized guide based my DNA for building a complete customized skincare regimen.

Will a DNA Skincare Analysis + Report help achieve healthier skin?

The report has given me insight to so many factors that contribute to overall skin health as well as predicting how my skin will age. An individual report will make recommendations on how to combat specific skin issues. (I’m already counting up the money I will save by not buying products that I no longer need!) Every analysis includes a summary of the best topical ingredients, supplements and professional treatments that can help achieve younger-looking, skin.

7 Skincare Categories

Results are in-depth and easy to read (mine shared at the link below!) and cover the following areas of concern:

  1. Fine Lines, Wrinkles
  2. Collagen Quality
  3. Skin Sensitivity
  4. Pigmentation
  5. Sun protection
  6. Skin elasticity
  7. Skin antioxidants

***All results are kept protected and confidential, and your final test results are posted to your secure online account. The genetic profiling is done by a team of scientific experts and PHDs at DNA Diagnostics Center (DCC) one the worlds largest and most respected DNA testing laboratories.

My Results

My full DNA skincare report is linked here!!

It's so cool to see some of the higher risk-areas I should be aware of. I also feel like I need to write mom and dad a thank you note for handing down what seems to be a pretty decent genetic skincare "score."

It's 11 pages long, but full of good information! I won't get into the nitty gritty of how I plan to implement my results, being they are specific to me, but I will be looking into ways to use vitamin C and E, and I am totally going to be working upping my skin's antioxidants (to give a one sentence condensed version of what I found the most helpful!) 

When it comes to the areas of most concern, I still need to take my results and do my own research as to what products contains the topical ingredients or supplements recommended. 

Final Thoughts

The insight from my results has allowed me to take better care of my skin day to day. It has also helped me to make better decisions on what skincare products I should (and should not) purchase.

The only hiccup I encountered was the results say they take two weeks and mine took a little longer, which wasn't a big deal on my end.  

I would recommend this tool to anyone looking to take skincare into their own hands! At Home DNA skincare + Analysis Report eliminates the guesswork

It's really amazing to see which areas of skincare you are most at risk, and in turn take that knowledge and treat your skin yourself! And here I thought a glass of red wine a night was all it took!   


What are you biggest concerns when it comes to skincare? Do you have any secrets when it comes to finding the right products? I would love to hear in the commets below!