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Filtering by Tag: Pom Cap

Plaid With A Pom

Jessica Wagner

Christmas Tree Farm 

Family traditions can fill you with blissful joy or send you to into survival mode.  

So you better dress the part! (Let’s see who can guess by the end of this post if we were in “blissful joy” or “survival mode.”)

Layers of plaid and pops of primary make for a festive (and toasty warm) outing. Christmas Tree Farms require you to go outside and walk around, so while it seems obvious, this is a place you want to be cozy and comfortable. Say no to tulle skirts and heels, unless you plan on freezing your pretty tail off and leaving without a tree.

A playful hat, a thick scarf, and tall boots are a must. This dark blue equestrian-inspired cap adds a contemporary touch to a casual look. Layer under your woolliest coat with a solid turtleneck and preppy button down. The more berry red and mistletoe green the better.

Classic Hunter boots will keep your toes and feet protected from the blanket of needles, and prove once again to be the best boots ever. (Last seen here.) They are also a requirement for chasing after hot chocolate-fueled children.

I seem to have a category of clothing that comes out once a year (my sequin deer sweater for one) and these bright red skinnies. This candy-red vibrant shade brings any outfit into the holiday spirit.

Speaking of holiday spirit, I’m in a sharing mood. (Can you sense that this post has a lot of parenthesis? Hinting that I have comments to interject between my attempts to just write this out.)

Our trip to the tree farm this year almost sent my husband and I on a holiday strike (yipes!) Somehow (as they always do) things have a way of working themselves out, and we pulled together and were able to enjoy the crisp outdoors among the wooded forests hunting for the perfect pine. (No matter that one child refused to put on pants and the other only wanted to wear the same shirt he’s been living in for the last three weeks. I mean, I knew he would like a Grinch shirt - I did not know he would refuse to wear anything else and start to smell like said Grinch. Let’s hope it runs its course by the 25th.)

Last year we started the Christmas Tree Farm family tradition, and had the most magical time. We selected the sweetest Charlie Brown tree that needed some love; sipped hot chocolate on a horse and carriage ride, and the tree man snapped one of my favorite family photos to date.

This year . . .  let’s just say it was a little less enchanting and little more holiday comedy of errors. Coco was there to see the chickens, and made it her life’s mission to try and escape every chance she got (birds of a feather.) We could barely keep her hat on (it was cold!) and Noah just wanted to hug trees. We didn’t get a great family pic and as these things go, no matter how much you prep to make it all fun down to the dirty details, it all felt a little – dare I say it, forced?  So we stopped trying to channel that charming experience from last year and went with the nutty chaos. Do you know what? We still found the one, shared hot cocoa by a giant campfire and as tradition, listened to our favorite holiday record as we trimmed our tree that night, and she’s a real beaut.

So yes, while these family outings and traditions usually call for a good time had by all, don’t feel bad if you’re dashing through the snow and no one is laughing all the way. Or if no one seems like they want to be there. Ha! Because someday you will look back on that awkward family photo and smile, and the kids will remember that growing up you gave them more than just the things the asked for, but built them a castle with a forest, they will always be able to walk through, each tree filled with a memory. Raising young ones and keeping tradition alive can be a challenge, but know keeping those traditions is something everyone will look forward to year after year. 

Hope you are all enjoying this time of year to the fullest. As for me, I am off to enjoy what I hope will be a quiet weekend at home. Right! So wish me luck babes! :)

Outfit Details:
Hat: Old (similar here) Coat: NY&C (similar here) Top: J. Crew (similar here, also like this one) Turtleneck: Forever 21 (comes in many colors under $8) Scarf: Abercrombie & Fitch Bottoms: Old (similar here) Boots: Hunter Original Tour in Hunter Green Lips: MAC Lady Danger