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Filtering by Tag: Lake Erie

Une Femme Libre

Jessica Wagner

Ice Shove : A Free Woman On Top of The World

With the Women's March happening this weekend, it seemed like a good time remind the world THE FUTURE IS FEMALE! I am all-in for supporting female empowerment with this sporty tee by L’ecole Des Femmes. It's a stretchy cotton-blend with bold red graphics that will help you practice your French - “a free woman.”

I seriously felt the part scaling the giant wall of ice that formed this week in Port Clinton, Ohio during the perfect mix of wind and temps that created an "ice shove." Some piles were up to 40 feet high! 

This shoot might be my favorite cold-weather adventure we've ever had. It was incredible to explore these gigantic forms on Lake Erie at our favorite summer spot. I’ve been visiting this place since I was a little kid. It was so surreal to see the beach transformed into a frozen arctic wall. 


I'm more of a warm weather adventurer but my wanderlust kicked in when we saw the scale and magnitude of the natural ice forms. We knew it was worth bundling up the kids and driving out before the temps transform them back into puddles.

Of course I was embarrassing the kids and singing "Frozen" at the top of my lungs - {let it gooo!!!} like a kid myself. ;)

It was almost 40 degrees out which made it extra slippery, so I was nervous letting the kids scoot around on the ice, but at least 60+ people were also out and about taking photos, sliding down the ice walls and enjoying the sunshine. I'm so happy we got to explore the phenomenon in person.  

There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise.
— Unknown

I am so proud of what women everywhere have accomplished this year. Here's to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.

field guide.jpg

Outfit Details:
Top: Urban Outfitters L'ecole Des Femmes Une Femme Libre Tee Bottoms: Old, similar here and here Boots: Old, also love these here and here Sunglasses: Amazon Cat Eye Vintage Mod Hat: Similar here Socks: Madewell Lipstick: MAC Lady Danger