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Filtering by Tag: Inspiration

{Sun} Flower Power

Jessica Wagner

Free People

I have a scattering of favorite brands I like to shop, and one of them, without fail, every season, seems to encapsulate the girl I want to be and inspire my wardrobe choices.

Who is that girl?

“She’s a free sprit; a style risk-taker; on-the-go and of-the-moment; fearless and full of life; a wanderlusting lover; a bold force, a beautiful soul.” – Free People 

With so many choices on where to shop, discovering a favorite brand of clothing is a bit like biting into your favorite comfort food. Soul-satisfying. Clothing can provide a nostalgic or even sentimental pleasure. (Remember this post here?) Do you have any clothes that give you a calm, satisfied feeling? For me it's Free People (right after my dad's homemade spaghetti sauce, because, somehow I also always end up wearing it.) 

I first learned about Free People through my sister (meet her here.) Kelly works at Anthropologie, another treasured spot of mine to shop, and sister store to Free People. (Along with Urban Outfitters and BHLDN.) Probably four of my all time favorite places to score finds, for their vintage feels and creative lines. I am always looking to these brands to inspire, as they encapsulate an aura I want to have. Images of femininity, courage, and spirit come to mind. As they so eloquently put it…

“…a girl who is smart, creative, confident and comfortable in all aspects of her being, free and adventurous, sweet to tough to tomboy to romantic. She likes to keep busy and push life to its limits, with traveling and hanging out and everything in between.”

In other words, this is a brand for free thinking individuals. It’s a great quality and relatively affordable. Some department stores, such as Nordstrom and Bloomingdales, have created in-store concept shops, which in turn provide the quintessential “Free People” experience. (Sadly one is not located near where I live, so shopping escapades are done on-line – mostly with success and if not, easy returns.) 

Some of my current favorites from their fall look book: quirky hats, mixing prints and bold lip colors. Velvet, military, bold hued statement sweaters, and sport savvy silhouettes are all of-the-moment looks for autumn. Vibrant and cozy. This is a brand that inspires women to take risks with their personal style.

But let’s keep it real. While the free-spirit look is ever romantic in photos and fine print, it’s not always so easy to pull off cowgirl-desert-queen riding off into the sunset on the regular. (Most of the time I look the exact opposite –– tee-shirted-straggling-aimless-wino?) So I guess when emulating this look, staying true to yourself can look different. It depends on the day, your mood. Dreamy pieces aren’t always the most practical, but they are absurdly fun to wear. 

I styled this Free People ginger gauzy tunic for warm end of summer days, (it has been rather sweltering here in the mid-west.) The open back and delicate mesh are light and flouncy, perfect for an evening out. You could throw this dress on over a bikini, or layer it with long sleeves for a very fall-look (I’ve been seeing this idea everywhere, but have yet to give it a try, as it reminds me of being 5.) A jean jacket also makes me feel like a kid again, (maybe it’s the 80s baby in me?) but is a great option for a light layer, as we get closer to cool nights.

While I know most of us can’t wait for the cool air of fall to make it’s appearance, until then, soak up the sun, kiss the breeze, and wear you 100 degree dress - wild and free.

Outfit Details:
Dress: Free People 100 Degree Jacket: Forever 21 Premium Denim Shoes: Free People Oliviera Wrap (similar here) Sunglasses: Forever 21 Bracelet: Arm Candy Lips: MAC Sin Nails: Formula X Atlantic-Pacific Taken By Storm

For those of you following along, I would love feedback! What posts have you loved? What don’t you like? What would you like to see more of? What inspires you? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below! <3