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Filtering by Tag: Hobby Lobby

Put A Bow On It

Jessica Wagner

The Joy Of Wrapping Presents

Hey guys! So this post is a little late! It’s been a {winter} whirlwind around here! (You too?) So Friday night Rob and I had a date night in and enjoyed the wonderland from the cozy confines of our tree lit living room, sipping eggnog martinis and giggling (ok I was giggling) over my terrible signing voice and the fact that Rob is a better pressie-wrapper than me! 

I love wrapping gifts! I think I love wrapping presents almost much as I love shopping for them. Actually, everyone loves gift-wrapping in my house. Wrapping pressies isn’t about precision, it’s about imagination! We all seem to get a vibrating excitement from making the package as fun as the present. This doesn’t always equal pretty paper and fancy bows, as technique is something that can be improved over time, (ahem-yes you can see me trying not to cringe when corners aren’t sharp!) but I love pulling out the big box of ribbon, twine and strings, and letting the kids get creative and funky. The best part is seeing how they are always so proud of their elfish work. (I know Santa would give them a 5 star rating on effort alone.)

In the past I have done a Christmas wrapping theme, but nothing too precise. I just find it delightfully fun to coordinate when shopping for wrap. From rustic and simple, to glitter and gold. Presents can be as much of the holiday decor as the tree and ornaments, so I say let’s make them extra pretty. I also love browsing Pinterest for gifty beautiful inspo.

I found this luxurious gift-wrap, by Sugar Paper at Target. I wanted to buy it all you guys! Haha, but that’s another thing I love about the wrapping trappings -you will use them again, so when you see a pattern or paper that speaks to you, go for it! I love the simply sophisticated look of this whole collection (blush pink and gold #swoon.)

Whether you like sparkly glitz, brown paper rustic, or over-the-top ornate, it’s fun to make gifts match the personality of the receiver. (Hence why I like keep all the above on hand!) This particular pressie is for my daughter, so I‘m going for pretty and clever. <3

As for labeling, a metallic, red, or black sharpie are great options, and if you want to one-up it a good calligraphy pen is a gifter's best friend. I love this one, with a double end size option, and no skill needed! This baby even makes my sloppy kid-ish handwriting look good!

Not sure where to venture outside of ribbons, and bows? There are so many brilliant ways to wrap a Christmas gift. Giftology 101: Try feathers, sprigs of eucalyptus, tiny silver bells, little ornaments, even bold stripes, furry texture, soft velvet, lace, or tiny clothes pins! If all else fails, brown paper and string is always charming and just as sure to delight. Keep in mind presents don’t have to be in a Christmas-y color or print. Pink, black and white, and even dinosaurs can be brought into the wrapping game if you get crafty. Speaking of crafty, craft stores like Hobby Lobby and Michaels are my other favorite places for scoring affordable extras to go with the paper and bows. Before you know it, you will be wrapping presents like an artful gift stylist!

So while the Christmas countdown is on, if you can, make time for wrapping night (or date-night.) Keep it feeling special by getting all prettied up yourself. This cold shoulder velvet dress is so soft. It’s actually as cozy as my favorite pair of jammies, but made the night feel elevated, as opposed to every other night in. (Dress is from Ragazza, which you can read about here.) A bit of over-the-knee floral tights brought that extra “spark” and made me feel as prettified as the paper wrapped gifts. If you take your wrapping seriously, pull your hair back in a velvety red ribbon, as wielding scissors and drinking nog can be a dangerous combo! Turn on your favorite tunes, (mine is the She and Him Christmas vinyl!) sit under the Christmas lights, and get arty-crafty.

Outfit Details:
Dress: Ragazza Tights: Old, Similar here Earrings: Francesca's Lipstick: Stila Stay All Day Liquid Lipstick Beso Nails: Butter London Thames Bow: Gift Wrap Velvet Ribbon