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Filtering by Tag: Flowers

GardenView Flowers U-Pick Flower Farm

Jessica Wagner


The Weekender Goes Flower Picking

Flower farms let you revisit that place of childhood innocence in a grown-up way. Shop local while strolling the garden rows and filling a vase with all your favorite blooms. GardenView Flowers U-Pick flower farm is now open on the weekends!

GardenView Flowers invites guests of all ages to cut their own flowers in our U-Pick Flower Field 8am - 8pm every Saturday and Sunday from July 13 through September at 11160 South River Road in Grand Rapids, Ohio.

When you arrive at the GardenView Flowers U-Pick Flower Field, you’ll sign-in, receive a 4” cup with and pair of clippers for cutting blossoms. When you’re finished filling your cup, you’ll return your clippers and you can wrap your flowers to take home or you can purchase a vase or bucket from our Flower Stop.

Find more information and a list of Q & A’s here.


What’s you favorite flower to pick? Have you ever done a U-Pick Flowers? Share in the comments below!