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Filtering by Tag: Easy Hair Do

Spring Hair Inspiration

Jessica Wagner

Un-Done Sugar Buns

I woke up Saturday in need of a breath of fresh air - literally. I asked Rob to pick up some flowers {and donuts} which always brighten the mood. These frosty spring days have cast a dull ache for warmer weather that's growing hard to ignore. I can't remember the last time we were able to play outdoors! The sun was shining, and the birds were chirping but it was COLD. It's been averaging the 30s here, which has me longing for the beauty of a blossoming field. On the bright side, no winter lasts forever. No spring skips it's turn.

So, here's an easy way to bring spring to you! Gather up some fresh baby blooms, slip on a white dress and twist your tresses into some un-done sugar buns Princess Leia would be proud of.

Second day hair for me usually ends up in a braid, but if you are looking for a new take on the classic cinna-bun/space-bun style, keep them loose-goosey with lots of wispy baby-hairs. 

To create this look, start with a middle part. Use your fingers instead of a comb so it's not too "perfect." I teased mine to add some volume. I found keeping the hair held gently and twisting towards the face created a soft messy feel. Hold your sugar buns together with a few strategically placed bobby pins. Face- slimming and better yet, only require a few minutes. It's a romantic do that looks effortless and ridiculously cute.

My favorite place to capture a whimsical look is an open field at golden hour. Rob being the flyboy artist that he is, created dreamy golden light indoors. With The Lumineers playing in the background, I felt like I could be in an open field twirling in circles plucking wild flowers to my heart's delight.

If you are ready for spring, pick up some flowers and try out un-done sugar buns. These twin twists are guaranteed - cute hair. When it finally warms up - we'll be ready!