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Filtering by Tag: Blogging

The Weekender Turns One

Jessica Wagner

One Year Blog-Aversary

This week celebrates one year with The Weekender. It has been a wonderful blogging journey, and I wanted to share a few of my favorite moments of travel, photography and fashion. 

I have lots of new content, giveaways, and exciting collaborations planned as we head into the next chapter, so stay tuned! I truly appreciate every single one of you following along! As always, let me know if there is anything special you would like to see feautured in the future! (Click on any photo to be directed to the original post.)

A romantic silhouette from our trip to Cancun last spring.

A romantic silhouette from our trip to Cancun last spring.


(n.) Gypsy. Wanderer.
A person, creative, artist,
or writer who lives a free
and spirited life and believes
in truth, freedom and love.

An overall mouth-watering look.

An overall mouth-watering look.


"I am an incurable romantic"

 Fanciful. Imaginative.
 Marked by emotional appeal.
What is heroic, adventurous, 
mysterious, or ideal.

 White dresses, picnics, and big hats... a few of my favorite things.

 White dresses, picnics, and big hats... a few of my favorite things.

The twirliest stroll while visiting my hometown in Cleveland.

The twirliest stroll while visiting my hometown in Cleveland.

Weekends at the winery.

Weekends at the winery.

Laid-back American days.

Laid-back American days.


"Eat diamonds for breakfast, shine all day."

A state of mind.
Confidence. Enchantment.

Allure. Attraction. Charm.

Beach life is the best life.

Beach life is the best life.

Ripped jeans and white sneaks always.

Ripped jeans and white sneaks always.



(n.) Pre-loved. Old-fashioned.
I'm just a vintage soul.
I may be young {at heart}
 but I like old things. 

Reflecting in pools of summer adventure.

Reflecting in pools of summer adventure.

When the light is just right - rainbow bright.

When the light is just right - rainbow bright.

This year has been an amazing adventure - thanks for following along! Cheers to the next!