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Skeleton Princess

Jessica Wagner

How To: Contour Skeleton Makeup & Tutorial

Halloween is almost here! Be the glamest ghoul at the ball with this easy Halloween Skeleton Makeup Tutorial.

I teamed up with local makeup extraordinaire Kristina Stuller of Vanity Studios to learn a few tricks on conjuring up this contoured look. 

Face Chart by Kristina Stuller  

I love that you can recreate this spine-chilling half-skull using your everyday makeup. Super simple and super inexpensive!

All you need is foundation, a smokey eye shadow or contour pallet, a couple brushes and black eyeliner to recreate this look.

The trick? It’s all in the blending. Take your time when adding the darker layers. Creating depth will make all the difference.

We kept this look basic using only 3 shades on our contour pallet – brown, grey and black.

Have fun with this! Mix it up with glitter, or even bright crazy colors! Don’t be afraid to experiment when bringing your ethereal being to life.


Watch the full skeletal tutorial >> HERE << as featured on The Fashion Of Life with BCAN and if you try this fabulously spooky look yourself, give it share on your social media using Vanity Studios #VS419. 

A special thank you to Vanity Studios for partnering on this post!