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I'm Dreaming of a Vintage Christmas...

Jessica Wagner

Scottish Wool Pleated Skirt 

Make your holidays a little merrier this year with some timeless romance.

This winter I have been adding a little touch of vintage to our home – from classic glass ornaments to bottle-brush glitter Christmas trees. 

Always looking to add to my collection of inspiring vintage wear, I recently stopped into House of Dow planning to leave with an authentic ugly Christmas sweater, instead I happened upon the most magical Laird-Portch of Scotland wool skirt.


Of course I was chatting it up with the sweet sales girl, and she told me it was new item to the shop, made in Scotland, probably from the 1970s. It’s beautiful in person you guys. The pleated kilt is made of pure wool with genuine leather straps and metal buckles at each side of the waist for adjusting the fit. I tried it on to be sure and loved how it hugged my waist. There is a moment that happens in the fitting room when you find a piece like this – it’s like discovering buried treasure. The wrap front with traditional fringed side is so classic. Plus that pine evergreen color! I basically wore this out of the store.

While I adore vintage clothing I am no trained expert. I will say I know a work of art when I see one. My best advice when shopping second hand is to converse with the seller. They know their stuff and will help point you in the right direction. If they are good they should have vast knowledge on what they are selling. Each piece usually has a story behind it. To me that’s the perpetual charm – getting to take home all those feelings of nostalgia.

Make sure to try everything on and know your budget. Some places might compromise on a price tag depending on the shop. Don’t be afraid to ask! And when you find something you love, get it! Nothing haunts you like the clothes you don’t buy, (or so I hear.) If you ever come across a Scottish wool skirt, say yes! It’s sure to draw admirers.


As for the rest of my outfit, Rob picked out my velvety textured off the shoulder top and my shoes were another vintage find. My 1960-ish tapestry coat is an old Target purchase if you can believe that. It reminded me of Anthropologie. My love of granny fashion is nothing new. #oldladyswagger I wore this to a holiday gathering and felt all the holly jollies.

As we are only 12 (!) days away from Christmas, I hope you are finding time to enjoy the holiday magic and wish you many rich blessings as we head into this special time of year.

Peace and love friends! XO


Outfit Details:
Coat: Old Top: Forever 21 (similar here & here & here) Skirt: House of Dow - Vintage (similar here & here & here) Shoes: Vintage (want these)