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Pink Gloss Lace Camisole

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sold out

Pink Gloss Lace Camisole


Pink gloss lace camisole byWoodward. 50s/60s. This feminine baby pink bodice features a liquid satin look with a sweet V-neck decorated in pink mesh lace embroidery along upper chest. Spaghetti straps. Delicate scalloped trim at bottom hem and sides. A sustainable wardrobe staple that can be worn alone or as a laying piece.

Brand History: Charles Woodward opened his first department store in Vancouver in 1892. The catalogue, published from 1897 to 1953, proclaimed that it was "the great mail-order house of the West." In the post-war period, Woodward's expand its department store chain.

Chest - 19” / 38”
Length - 23“

Tag Size:


This item is in excellent vintage condition. Please email for additional information as all sales are final.

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