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McInerny Lola by Hawaii Island Dress 70s

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sold out

McInerny Lola by Hawaii Island Dress 70s


Vintage McInerny by Lola Hawaii lava-red island dress. 1970s. A true Hawaiian collectable. Features vibrant red flocked texture with tiny dots. Sleeves fall in a 3/4 length soft puff. Full Length. Empire waist with darling white eyelet lace ruffle detail and small red bow at chest. Bottom full skirt with white eyelet lace trim. Rounded neck. Beck metal zip. Feminine, darling, and oh-so romantic for your beach, field, and garden frolicking dreams.

Flat Measurements:
Chest - 17”
Waist - 15”
Length - 53.5”


Brand History: Patrick Michael McInerny was a carpenter who opened a Honolulu shop for household and ship supplies in 1857. The business expanded over the years until it sold premium clothing.

This item is in excellent vintage condition. Please email for additional information as all sales are final.

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