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The Weekender Vintage

Curated collection of vintage for the romantic at heart 💗

Dior Pink Eyelet Lace Ruffle Nightgown

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Dior Pink Eyelet Lace Ruffle Nightgown


Vintage pink eyelet lace nightgown by Christian Dior Lingerie, Paris / New York. (NWT, new with tags.) Features intricate layers of cream lace and eyelet detailing at bust. Eyelet trim along mini flutter sleeves. Sweet double layer ruffle lace hem. Center flower and pearls. Elegant open and flowy silhouette with a rounded dress-shirt hem. Back features V-lace detail. Worthy of a flight to Neverland, sleepover dance parties, and getting beauty sleep like a queen. Sustainable designer lingerie that will live in your wardrobe for years to come.

Chest - 19” / 38”
Hips - Open (28” / 56”)
Length - 49”

Tag Size:

65% Polyester
35% Cotton

This item is in excellent and NWT (New With Tags) vintage condition. Please email for additional information as all sales are final.

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