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The Weekender Vintage

Curated collection of vintage for the romantic at heart 💗

Bespoke Vintage Ribbon Sun Hat

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Bespoke Vintage Ribbon Sun Hat


Vintage straw sun hat by LL Bean. This loverly rounded topper comes with 3 bespoke swatches of vintage fabric ribbon you can interchange. Tie a coordinating shabby-chic bow to complete the look. A favorite to collect, the ever classic accessory for sunny days, this millinery chapeau has all the Edwardian style and #cottagecore charm. Gorgeous and timeless accessory to add to your summer wardrobe.

Bespoke Fabric Prints:
Sunshine Yellow Ditsy Floral (pictured)
Dotted Rosette
Wild Blue Yonder

{*I am also happy to customize to your preferred color scheme,
purchase comes with 3 fabric ribbon ties in total.}

Inner Circumference - 22”


This item is in good vintage condition. Please email for additional information as all sales are final.

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