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The Weekender Vintage

Curated collection of vintage for the romantic at heart 💗

Barbizon Bow Hand-Embroidered Nightgown (NWT)

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Barbizon Bow Hand-Embroidered Nightgown (NWT)


Vintage 1954 Barbizon bow embroidered nightgown. (New with tags / NWT) Features lush cotton-blend fabric. Pale pink color and soft as can be. Top clear button and elastic closure. Hand embroidered in the most charming little white bows and pink flower buds (8 total.) Top front bib, neckline, and sleeves lined in dainty white lace. Opens at center. A favorite vintage brand to collect. Enchanting sustainable loungewear you will reach for again and again.

Brand History: (direct from the tags!)
BLENDAIRE BATISTE -The finest cool and comfortable blended cotton fabric. So silky to the touch and easy to care for!”

”Since 1917… Barbizon. The finest fabrics — we create them ourselves. Embroidery and details done by hand— a special cherished art. The finest laces— from all over the world. The finest quality. We won’t have it any other way. All for you—then, now, and always! “

Chest - 21” / 42”
Waist -Open (26”/ 52”)
Length - 42”

Tag size:

41% Nylon, 37% Polyester, 22% Cotton

This item is in excellent vintage condition. (New With Tags / NTW.) Please email for additional information as all sales are final.

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