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A Note




Each and every piece of The Weekender Vintage has been hand-selected, tried on, obsessed over and re-released back into the world to continue on its journey through this beautiful space we call time. Wear and cherish this piece of vintage knowing that you are carrying with you all of the memories and energy of a time past…

When dresses were long, love was free and life was simple harmony with nature.

time period when young women were seeking a new independence.

teatime was an afternoon ritual.

quiet beauty. hand written love notes, blast love songs

simple life and harmony with nature.

when hair was long, love was free and the music was capable of taking you to a place you've never been before.

You may notice slight markings of wear, these flaws are the fingerprint of days gone by. There may be a tiny stain from that 1976 concert in the park or a small tear from when the hem was pulled a little too hard during a steamy make out session in the back seat of a Trans Am.

Love and appreciate these items for their unique history and character. These imperfections are what actually make a piece —- perfect. Like two lovers meeting at midnight - thank you for finding The Weekender Vintage and  sharing in a love of all things vintage. Together in vintage, recycling for future generations.